• Sale!

    Hand-made Pouches

    Original price was: $46.00.Current price is: $22.00.
    Hand-made pink pouch for crystals or jewelry. Flip over top pink and gold silk pouch. Crystals are not included. Only two-of-a-kind.
  • Thank you!! Wooden scoop is ideal for Sleep Now Tea A perfect gift set tea and scoop for under $10.00.
  • Thank you! Once payment is processed, you'll receive a receipt with a recap of what you purchased and at the bottom is the link to the 100 Breath Meditation. Perfect meditation practice for beginners and intermediate meditators to keep the mind focused. Instructions included and set to music.
    • Focus the Mind
    • Count to 100
    • Deep Breathing
  • Thank you! Once the payment is processed, you'll receive a receipt recapping the purchase and at the bottom is the link to Breathing Meditation-24. Perfect guided practice for beginners to keep the mind focused. Instructions included and set to music.
    • Focus the Mind
    • Deep Breathing
    • Count to 24
  • Thank you! Activate Codes of Light is a beautiful and guided practice starting at the crown chakra and moving down to the base chakra set to music. Always be in a quiet place when listening to meditations. Do not listen while driving. You'll receive the link at the bottom of your payment receipt. If you have any concerns or questions, please email [email protected].


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