• Prosperity Attraction Spray Create a Flow

    Move into the stream of prosperity. Create a natural flow of positive vibes in your energy field. Uplifting, Abundance spray works with the energy body to create change and raise your energy.
    "I ordered Abundance spray, and the day it arrived, I won a lottery. Abundance Spray is magic. Thank you!! Helen F., Florida
    Mist around the body, over the shoulders, solar plexus, and the home to clear stuck emotional energy around money or love. Mist around creative projects and cash registers too. Ingredients--purified alkaline water, Oakmoss and Patchouli essential oils. Crystal Elixir: Golden Ray. Positive Statement: I Am. Main chakra: Two. Stones Used: Golden Calcite, Selenite, Golden Fluorite, Celestite, Aqua Aura, phantom polished Quartz crystal and Lapis. How to Use: Shake to activate. Mist around your surroundings and doorways, bedrooms, children, spouses, and pets. Do not spray into your face.

    Works Well With

    Enjoy Immediate Results!

  • Be Fearless Create a Joyful Life

    Shift energy and re-calibrate your nervous system to release old wounding. Fear is often a life stopper and comes from limiting beliefs about fear and lack. Clearing Fear spray releases the vibrations of fear from your auric energy field instantly. A perfect way to clear stuck emotional energy. Mist immediately after you tense up and feel that gnawing feeling in the solar plexus and allow Clearing Fear to release the tension. Excellent to use to release fear around money, relationships, and at the office. Also, use in business and other matters where fear is present. Use, Clearing Fear spray alongside mindful practices to enhance profound releases. Exceptional to use in feng shui for house and business clearings or massage therapy to shift any fearful energy. Mist around the home, office and doorways, bedrooms, children, spouses, and pets. Animals love Sovereign Light Sprays; best to mist their bed or around horses, then directly at them, allowing the pet to sleep in calming energy.

    Chakra: Third.

    How to Use

    Shake to activate. Mist around your home, doorways, bedrooms, children, spouses, and pets. For animals, mist their beds and then allow them to sleep in the new energy. Do not spray into your face. Although there are no chemicals in any products, essential oils could irritate delicate facial skin and the eyes.



    A proprietary blend of essential oils includes rosewood, frankincense, lemon, geranium, purified alkaline water, infusion of the I Release Fear gem elixir. For each gem elixir, we used a layout of crystals and minerals. The stones used were skeletal quartz, rhodochrosite, rose quartz, tanzanite, sugilite, amethyst, celestite, malachite, violet fluorite, and snowflake obsidian. Added Mutabilis Rose flower essences to reduce the fear of change, and Scarlet Runner Bean releases you from your shadows. We source essential oils from co-op farmers to maintain a higher quality of oil used in our products.

    Does Not Contain

    Synthetic fragrances and petrochemicals.

    Works Well With


     Enjoy Immediate Results!

  • Clear Anxiety Release Stubbornness

    No more resistance. Clear the path to success and happiness. Mist away stuck energy in your energy field and up-level your vibe. Moving forward takes courage. Resistance is the hesitation not to move forward. It's safer to stay in comfort zones than to move forward and change. Clearing Resistance sweeps through your auric field and clears the path for energy to move, and offers you inner strength and flexibility, and allows your life to flow effortlessly. Clear the energy of stubbornness with Clearing Resistance Spray.  Chakra: Third

    Release Kit

    Clearing Resistance, Clearing Fear, Clearing Confusion, and Clearing Anger and save. GO HERE

    How to Use

    Shake to activate. Mist around the environment and doorways, bedrooms, children, spouses, and pets. For animals, mist their beds and then allow them to sleep in the new energy. Do not spray into your face.

    Enjoy immediate results!

  • Thank you for your purchase of I Am Love Spray

    You'll receive “how to use” instructions in the box.  There's a small handling charge added to each order. We use recycled packaging material to help save the environment. If you require any further assistance, please contact support@kumarainstitute.com


  • Thank you for your purchase of Peace Healing Spray You'll receive “how to use” instructions in the box. There's a small handling charge added to each order. We use recycled packaging material to save the environment. If you require any further assistance, please contact support@kumarainstitute.com    
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