Emotional Healing


Activate Worthiness

Change your Mind–literally. Become emotionally free, and live an abundant, successful, happy and healthy life. Emotional Healing practices are designed to get to the root of long-standing belief patterns. Do you draw in the same romantic partners? Find you are stuck at the same low-paying job? Feel unmotivated and unhappy most of the time? Everything not working in your favor is an old pattern from childhood (or past lives) that is seeking resolution. Unless you consciously change how you think, your mind is programmed by childhood and adolescent unmet life needs. In other words, what you believe is outdated. Emotional Healing practices are deep shadow work to release old and limiting patterns of thinking and behaving.

Guided Visualization Practices

Breathing Meditations


A beautiful meditation practice using your breath. Excellent for beginners and intermediate meditators.

Purify Your Body Temple

Purify Your Body Temple

Connect profoundly with your Higher Self and open the golden lotus in your heart chakra. Clear emotional toxins from cellular memory, and chakras. Guided visualization practice.


Master Healer KumariDevi

Get deep into the subconscious for more permanent changes. Emotional Healing Courses and guided practices change how the mind thinks. KumariDevi does all the work, and you reap all the benefits. Sit quietly (not driving) and listen to the audio downloads individually. Allow a few days to integrate the subconscious changes. When your mind changes, it’s subtle shifts in how you think.

What People Say!

“I love Activate Worthiness and listen to it every couple of months to boost my worthiness.”  Donna S., London

“KumariDevi’s work is very deep. I feel my mind shifting after each session. I wake up feeling refreshed and clear-minded.”  Josie B, Portland

“You’re not joking the work is powerful. After the Un-Conditon Love course, I went right to sleep and slept deeply through the night.  The following morning I was a little out of it, but that cleared, and I felt empowered and extremely happy.” Kathy C., Tampa

Subconscious Healing

Think of the subconscious mind like the cache on your computer. Clearing the cache frees up space. So does energy healing work in the subconscious, it frees up the outdated patterns of fear, hurt and anger. Move beyond the ego and align with your Soul.


Sit or lay in a quiet place, clear the mind, and focus on breathing. It’s okay if you fall asleep, but it’s better if you remain semi-conscious. Unlike other courses where you do all the work, here the work is done for you—no workbooks or worksheets to fill out. However, you might be asked to concentrate on something in the recordings or tap your heart or head. You don’t need to consciously identify with every pattern cleared. Follow along, and that’s it. Each course comes with multiple audio downloads.