Purifying your mind and body is the basis for self-realization and living a happy life too. To purify means to liberate, and to open, allowing new ways of thinking into your life. When bogged down with self-defeating thoughts and feelings, two things happen 1). Stress weakens the physical body. 2) A weak physical body causes you to feel unhappy, unmotivated, and hopeless.
Every thought generates an energy frequency stored in the body’s memory. For example, when you worry, you tighten the abdominal muscles. Of course, it’s not done consciously; instead, it happens unconsciously. Over the course, of months or years, you can develop digestive issues and lower back pain. When you constantly belittle yourself, it takes a toll on your physical and emotional self too.
Purify the Body Temple is an emotional healing process to unwind tight mental thinking and stored emotional memories in the body. Plus it aligns all twelve chakras together and guides you to reconnect to your higher self-wisdom in a beautiful visualization.
Join my Sangha (community); I’d like to offer the Purify process to you. Download the Mp3 onto your computer. Here’s the LINK to read more about this unique healing process.