Clear Anxiety Release Stubbornness

No more resistance. Clear the path to success and happiness. Mist away stuck energy in your energy field and up-level your vibe. Moving forward takes courage. Resistance is the hesitation not to move forward. It's safer to stay in comfort zones than to move forward and change. Clearing Resistance sweeps through your auric field and clears the path for energy to move, and offers you inner strength and flexibility, and allows your life to flow effortlessly. Clear the energy of stubbornness with Clearing Resistance Spray.  Chakra: Third

Release Kit

Clearing Resistance, Clearing Fear, Clearing Confusion, and Clearing Anger and save. GO HERE

How to Use

Shake to activate. Mist around the environment and doorways, bedrooms, children, spouses, and pets. For animals, mist their beds and then allow them to sleep in the new energy. Do not spray into your face.

Enjoy immediate results!