Humanity, you can only think about love, and love can only be felt.  It is the power of love that “I Am.” My love is not found in the thinking mind, rather it is a knowing of “I Am.” The power of God is not a thought process; it is in the power of feeling and knowing. Open your hearts and feel the power of “I Am.”Sanatkumara

Open Your Heart

Beloved Masters, stop the inner chatter. When you stop your chatter, you begin to open your heart to the power of love. You are ignorant of love when your mind is present. You are powerful of love when your heart is present.  Begin each day with a feeling from your heart, not the words to think—Oh, I think it’s a beautiful day—know it is a beautiful day. Feel the day in your heart and Soul and not in the mind.

You do not know “I Am” because you can only think “I Am.”  Your mind is of human and your heart is of God.  I Am That I Am. Know that you are Masters in your heart and not in the mind.  This planet is not a thinking process instead it is a feeling.  It is a feeling of love that is so grand that it binds all of humanity together.

Love in the present moment, as there is no other moment to love. Share your love and feelings with others not to be judged, instead to be loved.  Know who you are in the wisdom of love. Love only in moments of joy. Allow love to flow freely without judgment. Say unto others I LOVE YOU without fear. Fear is stating I do not love.

When one loves and then judges love, fear is present. You have then missed the moment of love.  Why do you want to create moments of no love?  What scares you so?  Why are you so frightened to give your love freely?  There is no judgment in God. Why do you hesitate with your love?  Why do you judge?

Love is available to all people. You are so gracious, yet you hold so tight the presence of your God Self. What are you frightened of?  Begin as a lotus blossom and open to realize your gifts.  Honor the love of others without judgment. Accept the gifts of my bounty into your life. It is time now to honor you and awaken to you. Know in your heart, not your mind, this message of love.

I Am That I Am. I Am Sanatkumara

**Sanatkumara channeled messages are delivered in proper English. I don’t like to edit too much because it loses energy.  © 1990-2024 KumaraInstitute. Learn more about who Sanatkumara is Here.