Mother is your first relationship, and it’s loving, caring, and developing a foundational consciousness in you. The bond between a mother and child is priceless, from conception until death.

The love between a mother and a child is unbreakable and provides support and encouragement throughout our lives. Mom is an inspiration and is always a devoted friend. The mother archetype creates the inner self, intuition, creativity, warmth, giving, mother-relationships-VAopenness, love, friends, commitments, and self-awareness.

First Relationships

Mothers do their best, often struggling with their issues while raising children and perhaps tending to a career. No matter how attentive a parent is/was, it causes behavior issues, and problems with first relationships can cause lifelong difficulties later in the adult years.

Two major behavior patterns are rejection and fear. Rejection is one almost everyone struggles with it. This pattern began at the onset of life between mother and child. Rejection of love could have started around breastfeeding or the lack of, in adaptive situations, with a working mother or a mother overwhelmed by her own life. Regardless of the circumstances, rejection becomes an unconscious pattern that subtly causes you to reject the things you desire in life: love, abundance, and success.

Next is fear. The new world is a frightening experience for newborns. Feeling safe is a fundamental right for all children and people. Children often take the brunt of unhappy parents with screaming, spankings, and other disciplinary actions that cause fear to heighten. Early traumas with the mother cause beliefs and patterns to form in the subconscious mind. Unconscious fear guides adult lives, along with feelings of not feeling good enough, disappointment, rejection, guilt, and anxiety. As you mature, you develop into adults by the behaviors learned in early childhood until they are consciously changed. As a mother, we want the best for our children and forget we are raising kids to become successful adult women and men.


Eating disorders have their roots in mom-daughter relationships. Over-critical mother, wanting the best for her daughter, is interpreted as someone who demands love—often stripping personal power from daughters and leaving them without skills to fend for themselves later in life.

For men, trouble with mom can show up in how they relate to women. Will the boy grow up into a man who is respectful, honest, and live with integrity? Or will they use women and become resentful and manipulative?

Difficulty With

  • Relating to others
  • Jealousy, envy and competition
  • Fear and resistance
  • Anorexia
  • Self-esteem, self-confidence and feeling not good enough
  • Disappointed and rejected

The relationship between daughter and mother is often challenging because the mother sees aspects of herself in her daughter that she dislikes. To fix the issues, she often over-parents the daughter and judges her in an attempt to help her become a better person. In reality, she’s attempting to fix herself.

Disputes between mother-daughter cause lifelong challenges that result in difficulty relating to other women, along with struggles in friendships and competitiveness, jealousy, envy, blame, disappointment, and sadness.

Between mother and son, these issues show up; lack of self-love, self-confidence, lack of nurturing, fear of being on his own, and commitment issues.

Reprogram old mother wounds and reset your foundation to match YOU instead of mom in life for success, happy relationships, and outstanding careers.

Heal Mother Wounds

The Mother Wound

Audio courses you do on your own Get started healing mother issues with Healing Mother Wounds recorded program. Perfect for men and women who want to heal subconscious wounding.

happy mother relationships

Join live telephone group healing on Mother Issues on May 18 at 6:00 pm PST