Sacred Retreats + Tours

Sacred Tours began in 1987 for the Harmonic Convergence. I took 50 people and another channel to Maui. In the early morning hours, we drove up to Haleakala Mountain with hundreds of others. As the sun rose, I raised my hands to the sky, I felt a bolt of light come into my crown chakra and down into my third eye and my heart opened. I knew it was the beginning of something evolutionary.


Skip back a few years, I was part of the channeling movement in Los Angeles, a groupie of Bashar and Darryl Anka’s channeling work, along with others like the Micheal Material, Seth, Merlin, and the great White Brotherhood. During this time, I channeled too, at first, I channeled a consciousness named Jonathan. The name Jonathan means the light of God.

One evening at a Bashar channeling, while taking notes at a weekly meeting, I felt a pressure on the sofa, as though someone sat down next to me and was compelled to write “You can now call me Sanatkumara.” From this point forward, my entire life changed. I was consumed by the energy of Kumara. In Hinduism, the son of Shiva, and Buddhism, the great Skanda, the keeper of Dharma.


I am guided 100% by Sanatkumara and asked to go to places that many wouldn’t go or do. After Bali, it was Tibet and Nepal, and then in 2003, it was to Southern India to all the Lord Muruga Temples. In 2007, to north India, and Egypt for the first time. Egypt again in 2010 and the Yucatán in 2011. I didn’t travel again until 2023 to Egypt.

The Sanatkumara presence is embedded into my DNA, and I embody Direct Presence. When people travel with me, they are worked on, even if we are not talking in a formal session and their consciousness is raised. Plus we do planetary work, especially for women in the Egyptian region and now the looming war.

Sacred Tours

In 1993, traveled to Glastonbury, England, for a conference with friends. We met wonderful English people who drove us all over England, especially to the sacred sites of Avebury, St. Michael’s Ley lines, Lands’ End, and Stonehenge. It was my first time in England. In Glastonbury, without any formal plans, we spontaneously arranged a drumming circle and filled the room.

The following year, 1994 I spoke and exhibited at the Body & Mind Show in London, where the BBC interviewed me. At the show in London, I enlisted a group of people to join me for meditation, and I arranged private time inside Stonehenge—a powerful experience. During the trip, I traveled to Scotland and led a group channeling and meditations to sold-out events.

In 1998, I was guided to advertise two sacred tours, one to Peru and one to Bali, in the Sedona Journal Magazine. The magazine found its way to Peru. Jorge Delgado, who owns Kontiki Tours, phoned me from Peru. He said, I saw the advertisement in Sedona Journal and I know of Sanatkumara. I’ll arrange everything for you to come to Peru. I took 30 people on my first tour to Peru. The second advertisement was for Bali, and Ken Ballard called me from Bali and said similar and off to Bali with 30 people in tow.

Planetary Work

Starting in 1994 with Divine Feminine and planetary healing work. I attended a conference in Glastonbury, England, and came in contact with the Michael and Mary leylines and planetary grids. I can tap into planetary grids at different locations around the world.

Workshops on Tour

What was so unique about the format we visited ancient temples and tuned in to the energy and history of each location, and then I led group meditation.

Magical Egypt

My First Egypt tour was in 2007. We cruised up the Nile on a large ship with thousands of other people. The cruise was nice, but we weren’t the only people on the boat. Despite all the other tourists, I found quiet places to meditate at Karnak, Edfu, and Luxor and in the great pyramid. My group of 25 people had magical experiences all over Egypt.

In the second meditation retreat to Egypt in 2010, I changed how we experienced Egypt. Instead of following the crowd, I skipped the cruise, hired a traditional Felucca boat, and sailed to a remote island called Elephantine. An ideal untouched spot to feel the energy, do inner work and relax. So many energy spots, especially in doorways and temples the group was in higher dimensions. This stirred deep past life memories in many people in the group. We spent most of our time in Luxor.

We explored the western desert and traveled to the oasis Kharga with undistributed ruins. The people of Kharga were so appreciative of our presence that they went out of their way to make us feel welcome. Everyone felt the energy underfoot and wanted to dig in the sand at ancient ruins. We visited untouched temple ruins that were only half excavated—potent energy.

Valley of the Kings

We gained access to untouched tombs at the Valley of the Kings and Queen tombs, down a narrow passageway to a wooden gate. We saw shimmers of white light streaming past the stones. Then white ghost-like figures walked directly past us. We were shocked yet elated to have witnessed such a phenomenal opportunity.

“I feel blessed and lucky to have been a part of the trip to Egypt. Being in the Kings chamber and the sailing the Nile released so much. The experience was life-changing.” Elaine H., Hypnotherapist, NJ

Egypt Spiritual Meditation Retreat


Sacred Site Peru

In 1997, I was told by Spirit to place an advertisement in the magazine Sedona Journal for two trips I was to lead—one to Peru and one to Bali. At the time of the publication release, no trips were set up. The magazine found its way to Peru and into the hands of Jorge Luis Delgado, author of Andean Awakening, who called me directly from Peru to the States.

He said, “I’ll arrange everything you bring the people.” Twenty-five people registered, and we met Jorge Luis Delgado in Peru. He also said he had a picture of Sanatkumara in his office. It was my first international spiritual trip, and I felt safe in Jorge’s hands. Peru was much different back in 1998, and Lake Titicaca was not very open, and transportation was challenging.

We stayed at the hotel at the top of Machu Picchu, looking directly at the famous landscape. The trip was over Mother’s Day, so the group was led in meditation at the “Mother Rock” at Machu Picchu. You can see the entire group with their hearts open on the rock. After they stepped away, a pink light illuminated it.

Temple of the Moon

Later we traveled to the Temple of the Moon in Lake Titicaca (Bolivia). The entire group sat in a circle around me, and I led a meditation to remember personal truth.

I channeled the spiritual deity, Sanatkumara, and he asked, “Do you remember? What do you remember? I am your father, and I am your mother. I activate your memory. I activate this land termed Peru. I activate vision and purpose and you. Do you remember?”

The channeling continued with Sanatkumara asking, “What do you feel? Do you feel happy? Do you feel the energy? Do you feel loved? Are you ready to receive it? What do you feel? Feel my love. Imagine me at the center, and you are the spokes of the wheel. As I radiate out, feel my love. In the creation of this planet called Terra, I have come as a messenger for my father and for my mother. Feel my love. I want you to feel me.

I am a transformer. I am the key. The frequencies I bring are not something you have felt in a very long time. For thousands of years, you have not felt the truth of yourself. You have pretended. You have pretended because it was difficult. You have pretended because you have not wanted to know you. I bring your truth. Remember. Remember.”

As the channeling continued, Sanatkumara said, “See the Solar Disc now placed inside of you–it’s rising.” Representing the awakening of humanity. After the meditation on the Isle of the Moon, a picture was taken over Kumari’s (Paula’s) head, and the Solar Disc rose in the picture.

In Peru, we walked for an hour up Wayan-Picchu, the mountain behind Machu Picchu. I found old ruins, and everyone sat in a circle. I led a meditation, allowing the group to tap into ancient history.

“I remember walking up a steep hill in Peru with KumariDevi. It was a very long hike. She found a place for the entire group to sit down and began to lead us into a guided meditation. The energy of Kumari mixed with the energy of Machu Picchu was other worldly. All the tribulations to get to this placed were erased as the energy was simply divine. Catherine, Energy Healer


Machu-Picchu-mother-wall-pink light-new


Sacred India

In 2003, I led a meditation retreat to South India and Tamil Nadu. I was guided to trace the heritage of Sanatkumara, aka Lord Muruga. South India is beautiful and not heavily traveled by tourists; it was that way in 2003. Lord Muruga temples peppered the region. We landed and started in Chennai and traveled to Bangalore to visit Sai-Baba. We found a larger-than-life Subramanya (Sanatkumara) statue at Sai-Baba’s temple. 

We were following a direct line of energy down to Vivekananda Memorial at Kanyakumari and venturing back up the west coast to Palani and Kerala. We walked 650 steps up and down at Palani to visit the Lord Muruga temple. My Hindi guide informed us since we were white and not Hindu, we would not be permitted into the inner sanctuary. The next thing I knew, we were invited into the inner sanctuary of Lord Muruga, and the priests included us in their ceremonies and rituals. The energy was so potent my guide cried.

At the Taj Mahal, I was instructed to insert a grid pattern of love into the ground. Millions of people walk through the Taj Mahal daily, and it’s an opportunity to open more hearts.

Amazing Yucatan

For planetary grid realignments, my final trip was to the Yucatan’s Mayan civilization and its connection with Machu Picchu and Egypt. The Yucatan is the home of Chichén Itzá, a massive pyramid complex with Uxmal and Palenque. We started our travel to Palenque first and back to Chichen Itza. We climbed on the pyramid the first time I was at Chichen Itza, but now it’s no longer permitted. The pink light in Chichen Itza’s picture is an auspicious reminder that scared sights are alive with energy.

The golden age of the Maya Empire in 250 AD grew to 40 cities, including Tikal, Uaxactún, Copán, Bonampak, Dos Pilas, Calakmul, Palenque and Río Bec. Each city held a population of between 5,000 and 50,000 people. At its peak, the Maya population may have reached 2,000,000. Kukulcan, meaning “the feathered serpent,” was the Mayans’ supreme god. He was the god of the four elements, a creator and the god of resurrection and reincarnation.

The Mayan civilization first began, followed by the Inca and Aztecs. Limestone was used to build the pyramid and sphinx in Giza, and limestone was used to build the pyramids in Yucatan.

There is a direct link from the pyramids of Giza to the Yucatan pyramids in Mexico and to Machu Picchu in Peru. Like a sewer, we stitched a golden thread through many locations around the world to sew up the holes of planetary misalignments. Often, standing in certain locations was what was necessary or walking a certain pattern around temples or megalith stones to unwind old Earthly patterns.

The ceremony to the right was at Chichen Itza in the back near the Roman columns. Laying on ancient history, a few women from the group connected by their heads were led into a visualization connecting themselves to Chichen Itza and past life memory.

“Traveling with KumariDevi (Paula) to the Yucatan was empowering and amazing. I am able to open to new level of truth with in myself. Take my power back and reclaim my wholeness.  I am forever grateful.” Larry E., New England





At Ollantaytambo in Peru (seen to the right), I received a message to get white lily flowers for the ceremony. On our way, we stopped at a KumariDevi-Peruvillage market in the middle of nowhere to find flowers. My tour guide (Jorge Delgardo) led me inside the market, and no one was there. However, on the table was a bucket and in it were white lilies. It was a miracle. We took the flowers up to Ollantaytambo, and everyone sat in a circle, and I led a meditation.

In Nepal, at a Buddhist monastery, the monks allowed us to sit in on their chanting and meditation. Afterward, the monks invited me to lead a meditation in their monastery. Since those early years, I have taught meditation retreats in India, Nepal, Tibet, Bali, Egypt, Yucatan, Peru and England.

We rode camels and Arabian horses across the Egyptian desert. I found an American woman online who owned an Arabian horse ranch in Cairo and arranged for my entire group to ride. We rode to the pyramids, an experience of a lifetime.

So many profound experiences have taken place. So many miraculous things have occurred over the years. So much planetary healing occurred. So many lives changed.

In 1998 I created “Workshops on Tour” and led meditation and spiritual group tours worldwide. My primary focus for traveling was restructuring the planetary grid system. The people who traveled with me also helped with planetary healing and their healing.