Unwind the Mind • Evolutionary Healing

Shadow + Pattern Healing

An emotional healing intensive that addresses deep-seated subconscious patterns originating from early childhood and into adolescence. Unwind the mind of limited thinking, dismantling the ego, unraveling trauma, freeing the nervous system and emotional body.

Anything out of balance falls away and the true you emerges.

And You

  • Break free of limiting and unhealthy patterns
  • Release past karma and memory
  • Let go of stored emotions in the body, heart, and mind

Who Benefits

  • YOU-women or men
  • Anyone who wants to enjoy genuine intimacy in relationships
  • People who wish to create aliveness, creativity, and intuition
  • Conscious women business owners
  • Anyone who aims to live happy and purposeful lives

Common Traumas

  • Laughing for no reason
  • Addictions
  • Constantly interrupting conversations
  • Narcissism
  • Easily triggered and angry
  • Defensiveness
  • Easily hurt
  • Not feeling good enough
  • Feeling Stuck
  • Ongoing illness or physical pain


Break Patterns of Suffering

The entire universe and everything in life is a set of patterns. Repetitive thinking becomes a pattern you believe. All emotions are patterns. Why you eat beets is a pattern. Why you’re married to your husband or wife is a pattern. Why you chose your career, car, house, friends, and car are patterns. Disease is a set of patterns. There’s no such thing as one pattern, and it’s a pattern that leads you back to the Divine.


Unwinding the Mind

Beginning with an intuitive and purposeful dialogue, where you are prompted with specific questions concerning your objectives and aspirations. From there, the transformative journey begins. KumariDevi, with her peerless intuition and awakened third eye, seamlessly collaborates with your subconscious mind, swiftly pinpointing early childhood events and life experience that contributed to emotional pain and trauma formation.

  • Identifies and neutralizes limiting patterns blocking current dreams
  • Rewrites subconscious mind and limiting thoughts disappear
  • Creates a dialogue with the shadow (unconscious mind)
  • Makes the unknown known
  • Disconnect outdated strings of karma and vows
  • Untangle outdated mental knots and conditioning
  • Releases commands and secrecy patterns
  • Pulls out swords, daggers and pins from energy fields
  • Cuts through the many layers of emotional memory and trauma
  • Unplug from behavioral and habitual thinking
  • Release karma, cords, attachments and emotional memory
  • Custom visualizations immediately help you release past emotional memory
  • Unwind the mind of fear, confusion, anger, unhappiness, illness or whatever is holding you back


Through her transformative healing process, you embark on a purification journey that enriches your decision-making and harmonizes new brain-wave patterns. As a result, your mind and nervous system undergo recalibration while your energy body purifies. Old thought patterns fade away, making space for the emergence of a renewed version of yourself imbued with life-enhancing behaviors and perspectives.

When similar events arise that once impacted you, your mind ceases to latch onto past emotions and memories, granting clarity and liberation. Your tapestry of life becomes more vibrant, radiant, and joyous. As you willingly delve into expanded awareness and embrace an open-hearted approach, a profound transformation takes shape, and you live in balance.

What to Work On

  • Money challenges
  • Unworthiness and self-sabotage programming
  • Relationship challenges
  • Finding your Soulmate
  • Feeling stuck and overthinking
  • Repeating the same patterns
  • Chronic disease
  • Poverty vows
  • Emotional and physical addictions
  • Military and PTSD
  • Release Monastic vows
  • Empower your feminine or masculine self
  • Mother wounds and Father wounds
  • Hurt and anger issues
  • Fear and resistance
  • Rejection and punishment
  • Happiness
  • Living true Self
  • Align with your true calling
  • Awakening and spiritual enlightenment


Who is This Work Good For

  • Women (and men) who repeat the same relationship patterns over again
  • Women who easily get reactive and hurt
  • Women who want to master their inner game
  • Women (and men) who want to elevate their consciousness
  • Women (and men) who want to live their authentic Self
  • Women who want to live in balance with careers and family
  • Women who want to live happy lives

What People Are Saying!

“I felt tingling throughout my body. I also felt energized and motivated, like I wanted to go out and do things and create a great day, yet relaxed at the same time. Heart and throat chakras opened and entire abdominal region relaxed. Energy also shifted. Thank you!” Joslyn Z., PhD.

“I am always grateful to KumariDevi and the capacity she has to cut through all of the confusion and help me have the courage to do what I need to do.” Elizabeth E., Meditation Facilitator

“I had a healing session with KumariDevi and felt a powerful loving energy embrace me. That evening I had a dream she took my fear right out of my body. Thank you!” Devon S., London

“I twisted my back and had one session with KumariDevi and my back feels great. The knot released and my mobility is much better too. Absolutely wonderful! Thank you.” Deb S., System Analyst

“What I like about working with KumariDevi is she’s not afraid to confront the ego. She knows exactly what’s causing conflict. The great part is after a few days my mind can’t rehook into the same thoughts because they are no longer present. Thank you!”  Helen H., Therapist

“I worked with her years ago for a back problem. The doctors said I need back and spine surgery. I wasn’t having it and found Paula (KumariDevi). I had a few sessions. Her healing ability is otherworldly. I felt sore after the healing as if I had actual surgery, but within a few days, the pain disappeared, and so did my back issues. I’m now a successful yoga teacher. Thank you!” Stephanie L., Yoga Teacher

“All I have to say is don’t hesitate to work with KumariDevi. Stop wasting money with other healers. If KumariDevi can’t get you well, then no one can.”  Kathy R., Author

“I did one eight-week process, and my relationship with my parents completely turned around for the positive. We hadn’t talked much in five years. After the healing with KumariDevi, we are back to having open communication with no stress. I feel totally different after this work.”  Amiee Sullivan

“As soon as I made the appointment, my energy began to shift positively and lovingly for me. I felt a cloud of unconditional love surround me.”  Cheryl E., St. Paul, MN

 I am always grateful to KumariDevi and her capacity to cut through all of the confusion and help me have the courage to do what I need to do.” Elizabeth E., Facilitator

I’m miserable and suffering with illness and bad life experiences, and I wasn’t getting anywhere with other healing sessions. KumariDevi came recommend from someone else. We didn’t talk before my first session. What she does in an hour, most people do in six weeks. Don’t waste your time with others. Afterward, I felt amazing and wanted to dance around the house. Thank you!!” Jules, England

No one does what KumariDevi does in healing sessions. Her ability to locate the exact situation in the subconscious is a life-changing opportunity to move beyond my suffering. I signed up for her yearly program, and it blew my socks off. All year was phenomenal. Last week, she found a pattern at the start of adolescence that shifted how I see myself now as an adult. A million thank-yous!! Kari, Seattle–very happy client


In the early 1990s, KumariDevi (Paula Muran) experienced a profound revelation while providing a massage. She placed her hands on the bottom of a client’s foot and entered a new realm of consciousness. Her intuition and awakened third-eye guided her toward an awe-inspiring display of electrical patterns—a grid or webbing pulsating with resonant frequencies. During the healing, she transcended the veil of illusion, gaining insights into the future and the depths of consciousness.

The electromagnetic grid (quantum field) is where the totality of one’s life is intricately mapped in energy. Within this expansive mind field of consciousness, every aspect requiring healing becomes evident, encompassing beliefs, thoughts, trauma, and imposed limitations. The mind-grid is a buoyant, multi-layered field of highly evolved consciousness. KumariDevi refers to the electromagnetic field as the garden of your mind.

Changes made etherically cascade down into the physical body, leading to the disappearance of disease and injury. The accompanying image visually represents what KumariDevi perceives within her mind’s eye.

Purify Your Body Temple


A powerful guided visualization using all 12 chakras and connecting you with your higher Self. Enjoy the golden nectar of your higher self wisdom in your body temple.

Be At Peace


Peace Healing Spray creates a transformative shift in the surrounding energy, whether it be your body, home, office, healing space, or yoga studio. Its healing properties work to calm the nervous system, fostering a sense of tranquility and serenity.