Egypt began the reign of women as leaders, (c. 3000 BCE-30 BCE), and with Egypt’s distinct environment, religious focus, and centralized governance allowed it to evolve into one of the world’s most enduring and influential civilizations.
Why Egypt and Why Now?
Ancient Egyptian queens served as priestesses or intermediaries with the gods, enhancing their political clout. Egyptian society granted women relatively higher status, enabling some to ascend to the throne. As well as co-regents or Pharaohs. Hatshepsut, for example, ruled as a “king” and initiated major building projects. Women like Nefertiti wielded influence in religious reforms.
In Ancient Egypt, Hathor appeared as a gift from Universal Source, she’s the Mother of the universe, and the nurture. She gave life to Egypt.
Isis Mystery Schools
The ancient Mystery Schools explored the sacred relationship between the divine and humanity, offering wisdom that transcended the earthly realm. Much of this knowledge is said to have originated from advanced civilizations like Atlantis and distant star systems such as the Pleiades, Sirius, and Aquila.
Isis is deeply associated with magic and healing practices. Initiates in her mystery school were taught how to harness these magical powers for protection, transformation, and healing and granting her follower’s insight into the mysteries of the universe and the afterlife. Isis, to the right, is holding space for King Tut.
Divine Feminine Awakening
Now is the time for you to step into your power, goddesses, priestesses, and warriors. You are being called to hold space for the phenomenal creation of the feminine to rise from the shadows of fear, anger, hurt and not feeling good enough into her Divinity. Not only for you but for all women. The Divine Feminine holds within her the secrets of creation and is powerfully abundant in the riches of inner peace.
We are the creators of life. Bringing unique perspectives to solve problems and to collaborate with long-term vision, we are the Divine Plan for the New Earth development. We give birth not only to children also, to new ideas, we embody strength to nurture life. Excelling in understanding, and expressing emotions, we innately know how to develop connections, empathize with others and navigate complex social exchanges.
Your feminine presence is mystical, and nurturing, and your feminine energy is ever-changing with boundless unconditional love. Women, we are being called more so than ever to support other women around the world, especially women who are less connected as the western women are. We are rooted in resilience, empathy, adaptability, and ability to create and nurture life.
You are being called by Hathor, the Mother of the Universe, not only for your transformation, also for the transformation of the women in Egypt and the region. Sacred Tours with KumariDevi are well-planned cosmic journeys aligning planetary frequencies for upcoming global changes. Egypt calls your Soul into alignment faster than any workshop, healing, or retreat you’ll ever attend.