Now’s the time to dream big and bigger. Set your sights on what you want to manifest for the next ten years. Are you feeling the increase in energy? You should be–the master gates of alignment have opened starting within the last 24 hours and will continue until January 11-2025.
11 11 master number 22, opens the gateway of higher wisdom with a special dispensation from the planetary Logos, Sanatkumara.
Numbers are codes of light that are influenced by the electromagnetic frequencies of the higher dimensions. The universe is coded with patterns of numeric sequences that offer frequencies (energy). Light enters the cells, coding DNA with knowledge, and magnetizes the Soul to reach its perfection.
Perfect alignment to truth is activating now through you at this moment. Starting on 11 11 to 12 12 (22 and 33) master numbers, the Christ consciousness is awakening in the hearts of humanity. The Christ energy represents higher knowing. You have the power to manifest and live your truth without fear or doubt. It’s seeding you, a superhuman you with truth-dream bigger—now even bigger.This message arrived yesterday from Sanatkumara, the planetary Logos and silent Watcher. Connect with Sanatkumara via your Soul in silence.
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