
Reverence is the act of showing respect.

Hindu customs are an essential part of their traditions. One of the traditions I like in Hinduism is how they greet each other using […]

2022-10-01T06:08:18-06:00September 30th, 2022|Categories: blog|Tags: , |Comments Off on Reverence


A talk and guided practice on Self-Mastery. What is it and how can you attain self-mastery?

2022-07-12T01:31:59-06:00July 2nd, 2022|Categories: blog|Tags: |Comments Off on Self-Mastery

Activate Light Codes

A guided practice you’ll place a diamond into the chakras. Using lavender light you’ll infuse the diamond activating it and making a connection to the Divine. Please like the […]

2022-07-02T16:51:46-06:00July 2nd, 2022|Categories: blog|Tags: |Comments Off on Activate Light Codes
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