
Divine Feminine Activation Ancient Egypt Sacred Tour
Feb 14-28, 2025 (14 Days)

“There’s no other way to experience Egypt than with KumariDevi. What I receive is far beyond my expectations. I am deeply grateful to KumariDevi for the sacred space she holds and the profound healing she offers. The Egypt trip surpassed anything I could have imagined. Her energy is purely Divine.” Happy Traveler, England

divine-femine-activationEgypt is much more than pyramids in the sand. Egypt calls your Soul into alignment and offers an extraordinary opportunity to align to higher wisdom and connect deeply to Soul’s truth.

The physical journey acts as a catalyst, allowing you to travel through the mysteries of Ancient Egypt along the Nile from Memphis and Giza to Aswan, back to the Giza from antiquity to modern times. Meditate in the Great Pyramid and with the Sphinx amidst statues of Isis, Ramses, Hathor and Osiris, and experience energy portals to other times and dimensions. Hidden in Egypt’s rich history are dormant memories awaiting retrieval, and where codes activate personal and global alignments.

As Earth undergoes ascension, marked by the influence of Pluto in Aquarius, humanity is transcending old paradigms of fear and into a new frequency of Love and elevating the collective consciousness from darkness to light. Explore the magic of Egypt as the Ancients sing a timeless melody to your Soul, calling you to return to wholeness. No place on Earth is the history so rich and the mysteries so deeper than in Egypt. Spiritual Transformation awaits you in Ancient Egypt.

Register for Ancient Egypt

Join KumariDevi, a spiritual master and experienced guide, for 14 days of bliss in Ancient Egypt, Feb 14-28, 2025, a life-changing, sacred journey crafted to enlighten your soul and awaken your heart, for only $4850.00. Final payments are due December 1, 2024.

Ancient Egypt is beyond a sightseeing tour, it’s a transformational journey, unlike anything you experienced. Where you are taken out of the familiar and into another dimension of higher frequencies and unconditional love. The physical journey acts as a catalyst, accelerating your spiritual path. Our itinerary offers the best value, allowing you to see and experience more than other tours at a lower cost.

stargates-Instead of popping in and out of temples, experience the ancient ingredients of each temple and the region. Upon arriving, you’ll feel energy percolating underfoot and begin remembering as the group energy solidifies. You are held in a circle of light and love for the remainder of the Ancient Egypt Scared Tour.

Ancient Egypt Tour Highlights

  • First Class Hotels with daily breakfast, most lunches, and dinners
  • Domestic airfare roundtrip
  • Meditate with private time in the King’s Chamber in the Great Pyramid
  • Sail and meditate on the Nile in a traditional Felucca
  • Ramesses II Temple at Abu Simbel
  • Isis Temple at Philea
  • Experience Edfu Temple
  • Experience Karnak and Luxor Temples
  • Valley of the Queens and Hatshepsut Temple
  • Hathor Dendera Temple
  • Ride camels across the desert
  • All entrance fees
  • Integration days to enjoy in silence
  • Based on double occupancy, single rooms available for an additional cost
  • Plus, group support and other surprises along the way
  • Meditations and mindful exercises are woven into each day, depending on schedules.

**Egypt is a safe country. Please know we would never put you in any danger. It’s a group tour and we travel together. You can’t venture out by yourself anywhere. You are required to obtain traveler’s insurance.

Divine Feminine Activation


Channeled Message from Sekhmet

Sekhmet broadcasts her support, love, and courage through the ethers with the intention to connect to those who are longing to be who they truly are. Read more

Divine Feminine is a sacred aspect of you, radiating serenity, patience, and compassion with a mission to infuse all things with love.

You will meet your Divine Feminine in the form of Hathor, Isis, and Sekhmet in the many temples along the Nile. Embrace your Divine heritage and immerse yourself into an ancient civilization.

Invite your Feminine Self to Open

  • Release karmic imprints
  • Heal your heart
  • Embrace self-love
  • Leave with a renewed sense of peace and joy

Hathor, is primordial Divine Feminine appeared in Ancient Egypt as early as 3500 BCE. With a cow’s face represents the nurturing aspect of Divine Mother. Hathor incarnated into Isis, Sekhmet, Queens, Cleopatra VII, propelling the feminine into a status not seen since. The female rulers of Egypt proved that women are sovereigns, warriors, builders and religious leaders.

“I had a dream, and we were in Egypt together in a powerful life, creating our stories through hieroglyphics. We said, “Let’s meet in another life and return to Egypt for our soul ascension, and that time is now.” — KumariDevi


“As a truth seeker, I’m passionate about accessing ancient memory at key locations around the world, you’ll find me talking to stones and walking in circles to activate planetary grids. Allow me to be your guide on a spiritual journey that will bring about life changes, leading you to embrace personal truth, open your heart, and forge a deep connection with your Soul.”KumariDevi

Isis Mystery Schools

Explore the mysteries of Ancient Egypt through the lens of the divine feminine, embodied by deities like Hathor, Isis, isis-goddess-energySekhmet, and more. The ancient Mystery Schools explored the sacred relationship between the divine and humanity, offering wisdom that transcended the earthly realm. Much of this knowledge is said to have originated from advanced civilizations like Atlantis and distant star systems such as the Pleiades, Sirius, and Aquila.

Isis is deeply associated with magic and healing practices. Initiates in her mystery school were taught how to harness these magical powers for protection, transformation, and healing and granting her follower’s insight into the mysteries of the universe and the afterlife.

As you journey through the landscape of Ancient Egypt and visit its many temples, you awaken to new levels of self-awareness. By releasing past life memories, you align with your true soul purpose. The transformative frequencies of Ancient Egypt elevate your frequency, leading to profound personal growth.

Ancient Egypt with KumariDevi


  • Embodies Direct Presence
  • Silent mind
  • Self-Aware
  • Third-eye and heart open
  • Peerless intuition
  • Master Healer + Divine Alchemist
  • Past life recall
  • Truth-Seeker

Activating ancient portals and dimensional gateways, you’ll take a quantum leap in consciousness while traveling through Ancient Egypt with KumariDevi. If you are sensitive to energy, you’ll feel the vibrations and timelines shifting, as chakras align, offering immediate access to ancient wisdom.

  • Align with your Soul’s truth
  • Chakra alignment
  • Instant recognition of past lives
  • Enjoy spontaneous meditations in unexpected places to achieve spiritual expansion
  • Activate Divine Feminine Infinite Love into the Egyptian energy field
  • Channeled Messages

Engagement with KumariDevi on the sacred tour to Ancient Egypt invokes your connection to Source Energy. Offering you the ability to immerse in stillness and awareness, ultimately leading you to a state of unity where you dwell in your true Self. Through direct experience and personal interaction with KumariDevi, an authentic Spiritual Master, you will accelerate your path to liberation in this lifetime. Join KumariDevi in Ancient Egypt.

Who is Divine Feminine Activation Egypt Travel For

You are a truth seeker, spiritual warrior, a priestess, meditator, yogini and heart-based woman who loves to explore past lives, ancient cultures and tap into ancient history and so much more. You’re good at working through personal issues and joining a group tour to elevate planetary consciousness and yourself. It’s required you participated in spiritual practices (non-religious) for at least four years or more years to be included.

No single men. We are happy to consider partners or husbands.


Explore Ancient Egypt

Imagine standing in the heart of the Great Pyramid, surrounded by the silent whispers of history, as we come together for group meditation. The ancient wisdom of the pyramid envelops you, facilitating deep connections to your divine Soul and awakening the dormant powers within.

In Egypt, the temples and pyramids hold the ancient Book of Records and carry the essence of the original Earth paradigm. Temples, though physically silent, remain vibrantly alive in other dimensions, serving as gateways to awaken ancient memories and offer wisdom that resonates deeply within you.

“Egypt was the most amazing experience. When KumariDevi guided us in meditation inside the Great Pyramid, I felt I released layers of myself that were no longer needed and replaced them with a renewed sense of my divine Self. This renewed sense of Self propels me to move forward with an accelerated feeling of confidence and a new zest for life. I don’t seem to fit into the “mold” of the person I was before the trip. An amazing journey to Egypt. There are days when I feel like I’m still waking up from an experience in a different world.” Minnie A., S. Carolina

“Egypt never disappoints me. I’ve traveled with KumariDevi (Paula Muran) for the past 20 years, all over the world, and I’ve been to Egypt with her three times. My intention is to connect deeply with my true self. What I received is always far beyond my expectations. I am deeply grateful to KumariDevi for the sacred space she holds and the profound healing she offers. The Egypt trip surpassed anything I could have imagined. Her energy is purely Divine.” Catherine, England




Does Not Include

  • Single supplements are $1300.00 extra
  • Any personal expenses (drinks, fruit juices, long-distance calls, massages, room service.)
  • Entry Visa $25.00 upon arrival in Cairo (must have $25.00 in USD or get online.)
  • Tips to Egyptologist, drivers, and assistants (Ask $175.00 to pool together. All other tips are included.)
  • Airfare from your hometown to Cairo, Egypt, and return.
  • Early arrival and transfer to hotel.
  • Any special requests are extra and tipped.

Why No Nile Cruise

We aren’t going on a Nile cruise because the cruise dictates when we see temples. Most people leading tours avoid venturing off the same beaten path. As an explorer, venturing off the beaten track is something to experience because it carves out new sights. You’ll be rustling through ancient remnants behind temples, looking for memories and energy. Although it sounds intimate and slightly romantic, the Nile River cruise is nothing like that. For this reason, we do not include the Nile cruise. Instead, we sail the Nile on a traditional Felucca with only our group. It’s a peaceful and serene experience and perfect for meditation.

What Egypt Sacred Tour is Not

Egypt Sacred Tour is not religious-based, nor are we a typical sightseeing tour. If you are looking for a date, this is the wrong trip. Egypt tour is non-smoking, no recreational drugs, or alcohol. If you want to travel independently, please find another tour company. Ancient Egypt Tour is a group tour, which means you can’t venture out on your own at any time.

What People Say!

“KumariDevi has tremendous energy and meditations with her out of this world. She had people discovering energy portals and doing fun things along with planetary realignments.” Jeri L., Healer

“I would travel with KumariDevi anytime or anywhere. The journey was unbelievable and can only be understood by experiencing and being in her caring energy. I was triggered a lot. This may not sound like the ideal vacation or dream sacred journey, but it fulfills my dream of getting closer to my Divine Self. I aligned with my Soul’s true creative intentions on this journey to Egypt. From the core of my heart, I offer gratitude and love to you, KumariDevi, for your commitment to bringing Egypt into my life.” Anne S., Healer

“KumariDevi is so POWERFUL. I felt amazingly supported in her energy and connected to my heart. I’m not used to such a high frequency.” Jody H., Happy Egypt Traveler.

“I’ve been to Egypt three times with KumariDevi (Paula Muran) and there’s no other way to experience Egypt than with her. Being in her energy is inspiring and life-changing.” Iaysha S., Artist, Tunbridge Wells, UK

“The Egypt experience kept on working several months later. I had a dream that my personality was a false ego. In the dream, I saw KumariDevi in her true essence of profound love. Even when I am not around her, I still receive her guidance.” Elaine H., Egypt tour participant.



Workshops on Tour

Twenty-three years ago, KumariDevi created “Workshops on Tour.” It’s a unique opportunity to use the energy of sacred sites to delve into the Soul’s sacredness. KumariDevi began working with Divine Feminine energy in 1990. Also, at that time, she initiated the planetary grids in England, at the Michael and Mary leylines and carried the golden thread of light (wisdom) to sacred sites around the world. She’s known for her deep shadow work and powerful insightful meditations.


Important Travel and Refund Information

Full Payments Due by December 1, 2024.
Cost: $4850.00 + airfare. Egypt Sacred Tour is luxury travel and based on double occupancy. Private rooms are available for an additional $1300.00. Itinerary available after $850.00 non-refundable deposit is received and tour contract and medical release is signed and returned.  **Please note–if you are diagnosed with mental health issues like schizophrenia or bipolar disorder, or physical health issues like HIV, the Kumara Institute and Paula Muran, (KumariDevi) cannot take you on tour outside the United States.

Egypt with KumariDevi is a spiritual (non-religious) group tour. It’s group meditation, spiritual healing and sightseeing woven together. Egypt Tour is open to anyone on a spiritual path with at least three years of experience. It’s helpful if you meditate or have worked on yourself. A $850.00 non-refundable deposit holds your space. Credit card payment is available with a 3-7% extra fee (if the credit card fee doesn’t come out to 3-7%, the extra is deducted from your total or added to your final payment.) Send a check, Zelle, or wire transfer (PayPal direct) deposit. We would be happy to send you further details.

Group means you can’t travel individually or break into smaller groups during the 14 days together. Group means we operate as a group and not individually. In other words, you can’t rent a cab at midnight and drive around Cairo alone. Or pull together a group meditation with a few of your friends. On free days, ensure you take someone with you and inform the tour leader and assistants where you are. The tour stops and ends if you get lost, or something else happens—your safety is paramount to Kumara Institute and the Egyptian Embassy.  **Your total amount is refunded if the tour doesn’t go due to world events.

Please arrive before noon on Feb. 15, 2025. If traveling from the United States, it means you leave Feb 14 for Feb. 15 arrival. Leaving Cairo on Feb. 28 at 4:00 am (Egypt Air) or other airlines.

Please read the refund policy Here

Refund Policy

Time schedules are tight traveling to foreign countries, please sign up intending to travel. We count on your attendance, if an unforeseen circumstance arises, we ask that you find a replacement.

If you cancel within 30 days of travel, no refund of any monies paid, plus you are responsible for the tour cost of $5000.00 and finding a replacement. Read Refund Policy Here.

Experience Ancient Egypt





Tapping Into Ancient Energy

Past Spiritual Tours

At the Valley of the Kings, we walked down to the gate to an un-excavated part of the tombs. We all stood along a fence and saw white ghost-like figures walking through the ruins. We looked at each other and said, “What was that?” At another temple, I was guided to an open temple and to the back wall. I placed my hands on the old stone wall and began to chant in a voice and words I’d never heard before. As other tour members joined, they chanted in the same voice and dialect. Read More Here

“Everywhere we went we were guided through powerful meditations and it made the spiritual tour much more rewarding. At a hillside monastery in Nepal, the monks let us pray with them as they chanted Om Mani Padma Hum.” Margo S., Fort Collins, CO


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