Egypt is much more than pyramids in the sand. Egypt calls Soul’s into alignment and offers an extraordinary opportunity to align the body, mind, and spirit connect deeply awakening to your true potential. As Earth undergoes ascension, marked by the influence of Pluto in Aquarius (starting in November 2024), humanity is transcending old paradigms of fear and into a new frequency of Love and elevating the collective consciousness from darkness to light.

Imagine standing in the heart of the Great Pyramid, surrounded by the silent whispers of history, as we come together for group meditation. The ancient wisdom of the pyramid envelops you, facilitating deep connections to your Soul and awakening the dormant powers within you.abydos-temple-new

Great Mysticism

Egypt holds a profound significance in our collective consciousness. Its ancient landscape serves as gateways to all the chakras, from upper Egypt to lower Egypt, from our base chakra to the crown. Egypt fosters a deep connection with your inner self.

Feel the echoes of significant past lives resonating within you, whether you resonate with the lineage of Hathor or the Pharaohs. As you immerse yourself in this ancient land, the veils of time fade, past life memories percolate, and old memories and blockages dissolve. As you delve deeper into Egyptian cosmology, you’ll experience alignments with your soul’s truth.

Ancient History

Here, in the heart of Egypt, civilizations like Greece and the Roman Empire were birthed. Holding sacred ties to the Jesus pilgrimage, adding another layer of spiritual significance. Each of Egypt’s temples hold personal and collective energy, weaving together a magnificent tapestry of energy, uplifting your consciousness. Beneath the timeless sands of the Arabian Desert lies a wealth of wisdom waiting to be unearthed. As you traverse mystical Egypt, you pick up threads of past life memories, weaving together a magnificent tapestry of personal energy.

Let the ancient power of Egypt ignite your spirit, awaken your soul, and unlock the hidden treasures within you.

Divine Feminine Awakening


Hathor is the primordial Divine Feminine. Similar to Kali in Hinduism, Hathor is the Goddess in all of you. She reincarnated as Isis, Cleopatra, Queen Hatshepsut (1479-1458 BCE), Sekhmet and other Queens, Pharaohs and Goddess throughout Egypt, Greece, and Rome. Hathor was depicted as a sacred cow, also found in Hinduism, she exhibited fertility and motherhood.

Sekhmet is the daughter of the sun god, Ra, and is among the more important of the goddesses in the Egyptian Pantheon. Sekhmet acted as the vengeful manifestation of Ra’s power, the Eye of Ra. Sekhmet was married to Ptah, who was the creator of the physical universe and her children were Nefertem and Imhote and her center was Memphis (where we start our tour in Feb).

Queen Hatshepsut as Pharaoh, reigned during the New Kingdom of Egypt, which started in 1570 B.C. and ended in 1069 BCE.

Cleopatra ruled Egypt and seduced the Roman’s. A sultry seductress likely stems from a narrative originally by Octavian to rationalize his rivalry and conflict with fellow Roman Marc Antony, who was portrayed as having been manipulated by a foreign temptress.

Discounts End Soon

Retreats are good for truth seekers, meditators, yogini’s and heart-based women who love to explore past lives, inner work, ancient cultures and tap into ancient history and so much more.

Fourteen days of bliss, exploring Ancient Egypt through the lens of Divine Feminine: Isis, Hathor, Sekhmet. Save $150.00 commit by October 3rd. Final payments due December 1, 2024. First class accommodations with breakfast, dinner. Most everything is included except airfare to Cairo from your hometown. Plus private time in the Great Pyramid with meditation and soul alignment. Private time with Sekhmet and Hathor at other temples along the Nile.
