The official year-end is the Full moon in Cancer, especially if you have strong Cancer placements, on January 18, at 27 degrees (sitting right on my sun). I have five planets in Cancer. There’s a lot of back and forth between the two poles of Cancer and Capricorn. Cancer is ruled by the moon–a powerful pull of energy. Pulling people together or apart.
Venus (about love and relationships) is retrograde in Capricorn until the end of the month, and it conjuncts Saturn. Saturn is about restrictions. Saturn is in Aquarius and is squaring Uranus in Taurus brings unexpected setbacks and complex change. A frustrating time that makes you rebellious under restraint. Saturn is the zodiac teacher — we learn lessons with Saturn, bringing structure.
The message for the Full Moon in Cancer is that freedom lives in love and not money. Although it seems like money can buy happiness, it’s a false reality. Need to get out of your head and drop more into the heart.