
Let go of limiting beliefs about love, and relationships. In relationships, either friends, or romantic, one person isn’t more powerful than the other. You are best friends, mutual respect, not competing for love or attention.

Cut Cords

Let go. Start from a new place. Cut the cords from the past. First recognize what you’re holding on to_____________, this cord of attachment is no longer serving me or unhealthy because _____________. Thank the cord for teaching what is needed to teach you. Imagine cutting the cord (s) and experiencing freedom and clarity.

Now mist around the body, especially around the heart chakra and cleanse your space with I Am Love Spray.

Message from Divine Feminine

Fall in love with you. Self-love is a union with the divine in you. Love is without judgment or sorrow. Love doesn’t take sides or debate anything. Enlightenment is the realization of self-love. Love never dies. Love is not conditional.

Message of Love

The other day, I woke up wrapped in unconditional love. Reminded me of my spiritual awakening when I fell in love with everyone and everything. I woke up reciting this Sutra —

There is a place in the heart where everything meets.
Go there if you want to find me.
Mind, senses, soul, eternity, all are there.
Are you there?

Enter the bowl of vastness that is the heart.
Give yourself to it with total abandon,
listen to the song that is always resonating there.

Quiet ecstasy is there —
and a steady, regal sense of resting in a perfect spot.

Once you know the way
the nature of attention will call you to return,
again and again, and be saturated with knowing,
I belong here, I am at home here.
Answer that call.

From Radiance of Sutra by Lorin Roche.


  • Acceptance–accept you for you.
  • Nurturing–self-care physically, mentally and emotionally.
  • Respect–self-understanding, and self-worth.
  • There’s no rejection in love
  • There’s no anger in love
  • There’s no fear in love
  • There’s no betrayal in love
  • There’s no abandonment in love
  • There’s no belittling in love
  • There’s no jealousy in love
  • There’s no hate in love
  • There’s no disdain in love
  • There’s no regret in love
  • There’s no blame in love
  • There’s no ego in love

When you love yourself, there’s union. Love is allowing. Give yourself permission to experience unconditional love in this life.

Un-Condition Love

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