
Welcome to Meditation Basics Course!

Meditation is a rewarding and beneficial practice, though it can be difficult at first. Many people find it challenging to sit still, quiet their minds, and focus inward.

Despite the growing awareness of meditation's incredible benefits, many people miss out on its full potential to reduce stress and rejuvenate the nervous system. Meditation Basics Course guides you in unlocking the power of meditation to meditation-practiveenhance your overall well-being.

The Meditation Basics course provides the support and guidance to help you bring peace, relaxation, and mental clarity into your life. As you advance, you'll experience meaningful transformations both in yourself and in your meditation practice.


The benefits of meditation go far beyond stress reduction. The goals of meditation include:

  • Releasing mental conflicts and becoming less reactive
  • Training your mind to think differently
  • Accessing inner wisdom
  • Experiencing higher levels of consciousness

One of the great advantages of meditation is its simplicity. Just ten to twenty minutes of practice can help restore your balance and provide the spiritual strength needed to navigate daily challenges. You can meditate anywhere—no special equipment is required, just a quiet space. Even that isn't essential, as people often meditate on subways or while walking through busy streets.

Meditation Basics course is a four-lesson course, with audio downloads to guide you along in your journey to a quieter mind. The course covers how to sit, where to sit, breathing techniques, different types of meditation, and clearing the mind techniques, including guided meditations to assist you. KumariDevi is your guide, and she’ll walk you through each section.

Meditation Basics Course Details

Over four audio sessions, you'll learn how to breathe, clear the mind, sit and the different types of meditations. Always be in a quiet location when practicing meditation. Sit back, relax and listen.

Lesson 1: Overview of what meditation is and what it’s not. You learn how and where to sit, about breathing, the many forms of meditation practice, problems with meditation, and more about the fundamentals of meditation.

Lesson 2: Why the mind is challenging to calm. Breathing. Sitting-how to set up your seat. Training and noticing the mind. How to handle noise in the environment and listening to what the mind says. Body-mind awareness. The breath is the foundation of meditation.

Lesson 3: Learn breathing techniques like pranayama, Kundalini breath, and abdominal breathing, and a few others.

Lesson 4: Discussion on the different types of meditation and mindfulness.

Discover how meditation and mindfulness work together to harmonize your inner self, fostering balance and inner peace. By integrating daily meditation into your routine, you'll cultivate a positive mindset and gain a more profound understanding of this ancient practice and transform your life with the profound benefits of meditation.

Navigate Meditation Basics Course

If this is the first course at, here are a few simple instructions:

  • After each lesson, press “next” to go to the next page.
  • You can go back at any time by pressing “previous.”
  • To return to the course outline, use the link in the menu bar at the top of the page.

Your progress is automatically saved when you go to the next sections. To save it in the middle of a section, press “Save Progress.”

** Do not listen while driving.

Module 1 Meditation Basics Course
Unit 1 Meditation Basics Lession-One  
Unit 2 Meditation-Basics-Lesson Two  
Unit 3 Meditation Basics-Lesson Three  
Unit 4 Meditation Basics-Lesson-Four