Divine Feminine Activation

Women we are Goddesses, Priestesses, Healers of the primordial cosmic energy that represents the dynamic forces thought to move the entire universe. We are Hathor, Isis, Sekhmet, Mary, Sophia, Diana, Parvati, Kali, Catherine, Aphrodite, Mary, Iris, Athena and others, we are scared, and genuinely empowering. As the primordial Divine Feminine, Hathor is the embodiment of the Divine Mother. Hathor lives within each of us and is the foundation of femininity–the giver of life and love.


Walk with me–I’m Divine Feminine

Empower Your Feminine Self

It’s time to awaken, to challenge limiting beliefs, and to embrace the strength and vulnerability of the Divine Feminine within. Elevate your consciousness and open your heart. Release the bondage of fear and doubt. Divine Feminine is present, alive and calling to you to come into alignment with your Soul. Stimulate your imagination. It is from imagination that intention and manifestation grows. Accept the healing grace of Hathor, the Egyptian Goddess of love, who bestows unconditional love. A profound and pure form of affection that transcends circumstances, and imperfections.


Heart Awakening

Transform your emotional and spiritual awareness. Peel the layers off the heart and deepen your connection to self-love, leading to greater authenticity, openness, and vulnerability.

A four-week celebration of the Divine, inviting you to Empower Your Feminine Self, and

  • Week 1: Release fear and doubt
  • Week 2: Embody self-worth
  • Week: 3 Release guilt and shame
  • Week 4: Open your Heart and Anchor your Soul into this reality

Enjoy a heightened sense of self-awareness, and compassion.


September 10 through Oct. 1, Tuesday evening starting at 6:00 pm PST, 7:00 pm MST, 8:00 pm CST and 9:00 pm EST. Join the series. Comes with an MP3 recording.


About KumariDevi

Kumaridevi-webKumariDevi is a luminary in the field of higher consciousness, and a pioneer in the study of how emotional and mental patterns impact our lives. As a Master Intuitive Healer, with over 35-years of experience, she inspires women to love themselves and live with an open heart.  She began working with the Divine Feminine energy in the mid-1990s.

KumariDevi leads powerful retreat-style spiritual travel to sacred and powerful locations around the world. She’s a channel to Sanatkumara, Universal Source, and Divine Mother.  On her recent Spiritual Tour to Egypt in September 2023, the Goddess Hathor began asking the group, in the Great Pyramid, do you remember?  Experience Hathor, Isis, Sekhmet in Ancient Egypt and remember your true divine self.

What People Say!

“KumariDevi is not your ordinary brand of healing—what she shared gave me hope, inspiration and assurance that I can align with my Soul and move forward.” Sharon M., Psychologist, North Carolina

“KumariDevi showed me how to look at my fears and unworthiness positively.  She gave me tools that I used to dig deep down to find my old beliefs. I learned to create my own happiness in life.” Helen F., Wisconsin.

Divine Feminine Activation in Egypt Tour

Egypt calls your Soul into alignment. Join a powerful group to a well-preserved Ancient civilization. Meditate alongside statues of Isis, and Sekhmet and tap into your Divine self. Raise your frequency, align to your soul purpose and open your heart.