Self Awareness Journey

Yearly Program

yearly-healing-programIt’s easy to look at life in terms of the people we love, our roles, and our responsibilities. When we encounter challenges in life, we often look for solutions outside ourselves before looking within. Everything transpiring in your life comes from what’s programmed in you. Your life is an accumulation of your parent’s and family’s beliefs to fit into society and be accepted.

Despite all the meditation and healing work you do, are you still being triggered in traffic, with friends or at the office? If you are triggered, it’s a clue you need to dive deeper, and the annual program is ideal for you to explore.

Childhood hurt and traumas cause you to shut down emotionally, feel less than enough, and feel stuck and unhappy. Unresolved behaviors create addictions, lack of accountability, trust issues, feelings of betrayal and anger surface, and we react to conversations and situations for no visible reason.

Emotional freedom is letting go of regrets, feelings of inferiority, sadness, and disappointment and truly being you without fear or doubt. The journey to Self-awareness is a process of peeling back the layers of thinking and feeling and stepping into self-love.

In the yearly Self Awareness program, goals, and intentions are set, and the unconscious blocks causing you to feel stuck, punished, hurt or burdened are located and released. Layers of conditioning peel off, allowing your true essence to shine through.

Release Life-Long Patterns

  • Doing something wrong
  • Rejection and fear
  • What will people think
  • Emotional Addictions
  • Worthiness
  • Punishment
  • Avoidance

Changing How the Mind Thinks

The annual program incorporates meditations, self-care, metaphysical and energy healing tools and practices to shift the feeling body to from feelings of not good enough to feeling motivated and inspired to take on life in new ways.

Connecting with your spirit guides, and nature and the mineral kingdoms helping you access higher levels of awareness.You’ll learn to:

  • Listen and notice life
  • Practice being present and mindful
  • Become accountable
  • Recognize emotional triggers and defenses

“I’m enrolled in KumariDevi’s Self-Awareness program. My yearly review was coming up at work, and KumariDevi told me to write down exactly what I wanted from my boss. I wrote down about four or five things and did what she said to do. I had the review, and my boss recited exactly what I had written. I almost fell off my chair, and I had a huge smile and couldn’t wait to tell her what transpired. KumariDevi’s teachings work. Thank you!” Deb S., New Mexico

Work On

  • Self-Empowerment
  • Career Clarity
  • Financial Freedom
  • Inner Child
  • Healthy Relationships and Un-Condition Love
  • Self-Sabotage and Fear
  • Past Life Karma
  • Awaken Your Feminine Self or Masculine
  • Spiritual Awakening or Enlightenment

Live a Fulfilled Happy Life

Self-awareness leads to living in balance. Inner peace is everything, living with an open heart is a blessing and loving yourself is sacred.

Ego deaths are challenging because what you believe to be real must be let go. Waking up on the other side of the ego is a process that doesn’t happen in a day or week but over months and years. We become fixated on wants and desires, and shifting the mind around to think differently takes time. The results are no more loneliness, happy all the time, mindfulness, self-empowerment with no anger, motivation, and emotional freedom.

You’ll know as the mind and heart come together, and there’s no longer a feeling of separateness, as you detach from outcomes, that you have achieved oneness.

What’s Done

Together, we will determine clear statements of intention and goals for the coming year.  Yearly goals and intentions are placed in the lotus-bloom-heartquantum field (garden of your mind) for manifestation during the year.

Energetically partnering with your energy body and higher mind, KumariDevi intuitively hones directly into the original trauma and locates forgotten emotional memory and traumatic experiences stopping you from living a happy and enlightened life. Now, the magic begins, KumariDevi guides you through custom visualizations to unwind the mind, releasing old patterns that control your life, past the ego’s defensive nature, to disrupt life-long patterns and change the neuro-pathways. Unwinding the mind to release,

  • Autopilot behaviors
  • Mindlessness
  • Past Hurt

Energy healing sessions are used to balance the chakras, cleaning out stuck emotional energy from the body and mind, and keeping the body aligned to emotional energy. Healing sessions unfold organically with intentional and intuitive dialogues to guide you. Feel freer and happier with yourself and life. Become emotionally intelligent with tools to use with partners, in relationships and at work.

Instead of hanging out with fear, develop a relationship with love, trust, and acceptance. Live with an open heart and not be burdened with past emotional events. These spiritual tools help you get closer to your intentions during the year.

  • Guided visualization
  • Chakra healing
  • Mantra chanting
  • Intuitive question and answer

Self-Empowerment CoachingWhat You Gain

  • YOU! You live your life
  • Let down your guard
  • Learn how to stop judging life
  • Identify and resolve the grip of limiting beliefs
  • Productive meditation practice
  • Patience and presence


  • Take your power back from past experiences
  • Become nonreactive and enjoy inner peace
  • Move beyond emotional suffering
  • Resolve hurt, blame, anger, and fear
  • Inner child healing
  • Learn to forgive and let go of the past
  • Live in harmony and wholeness

Self-Awareness + Happiness


Mentoring is designed to turn your life around from limitation to liberation. You are under the auspicious guidance of KumariDevi and her peerless intuition. Even if you are not on the telephone together, you remain connected to Universal Source. Sign up for mentoring with an eight-week commitment. Mentoring is less intense than the Self-Awareness program. No healing in mentoring sessions.

Over the Eight Weeks

  • Weekly sessions meet at the same time and day for the eight weeks
  • Set clear intentions and placed on the quantum field for manifestation
  • Develop a healthy meditation practice
  • Change how the mind thinks
  • Recorded sessions with MP3
  • Email support with questions answered

Accelerator  • Four-Week Intensive

Yearly Program

You are supported by the nurturing energy of the Universal Source for an entire year, offering unconditional love and guidance, even without being physically connected to KumariDevi. Self-Awareness program is perfect for those who are unafraid to face their inner challenges and are committed to developing emotional intelligence.

Self-Awareness Program is designed for individuals who are genuinely dedicated to self-empowerment, self-awareness, and embodying their higher and sacred Self. Throughout the year, you will experience Divine inspiration and receive eighteen spiritual healing sessions over the phone. This is ideal for those who have formerly worked with KumariDevi or have participated in emotional healing sessions before.

Over the Year

  • Eighteen 70-90-minute telephone healing sessions (every other month, two monthly sessions)
  • Clear intentions are placed on the quantum field for manifestation
  • Subconscious blocks to your intentions are found and released
  • Chakra balance and align with your Soul’s wisdom
  • Rewrite life script to self-empowerment, instead of self-defeating
  • Receive custom visualizations and guided meditations
  • Develop a healthy meditation practice
  • Monthly Love Transmission included
  • Monthly Emotional Healing included ($792.00 value)
  • Recorded sessions with MP3
  • Includes all online classes
  • Email support with questions answered
  • You are under the auspicious guidance of KumariDevi, an awakened Spiritual Master.

If you don’t see something that fits your needs, email and let’s discuss it.

Important Information

You are live on the call with KumariDevi, and she does most of the work, and you receive all the benefits. Energy healing sessions are not for everyone. The ego is challenged in sessions, and people often put up resistance and begin to get defensive and angry, and that’s precisely what you want to let go of. You’ll have to admit you have issues. Healing sessions are psycho-spiritual and life-changing. Carve out time when you don’t have important events to attend afterward.

Sign up for a discovery session below or email directly before committing. Email

What People Are Saying!

“Working with KumariDevi for any length of time provides quick results. She instantly gets to the heart of the matter, and it’s resolved. Regardless of what’s on my plate, she offers productive ways to solve it. I always feel much stronger and inspired after calls.” Heather S., Therapist

“One of the things I enjoy most about working with KumariDevi (Paula) is how deeply dedicated she is to my awakening. She is genuinely concerned about me. I haven’t found this level of dedication with others.”  Karyn S., Writer

“I’ve worked with KumariDevi for several years now and have benefited tremendously from her insight and advice – both in my business and personal life. I have seen significant changes in how I live my life and how I feel about myself, all for the better.”  Stephen D., SJD Property, Tunbridge Wells-England 

“Working with KumariDevi in her inner child program is like taking yoga teacher training for personal reasons. My goal wasn’t enlightenment, but I found such a depth of healing in her work I signed up for the year. She’s 100% committed to getting me to a place I love.  It is challenging to make changes, but KumariDevi is patient and compassionate about my journey. I highly recommend her work to anyone. Thank you!”  Eileen H., NYC

I felt so comfortable working with KumariDevi. Thank you for this. You very much put me at my ease. I was consequently able to be as honest and open. It has been liberating in many ways, and I know there is more to delve into as I deepen my inner work. I very much looked forward to each session, knowing I was increasing my awareness and developing as a person/being, and you did this in a direct (and yet such a gentle) manner and with fun and humor. I know more fully now that it is possible to free myself from the subconscious constructions I have built in the past.

KumariDevi navigated some delicate subjects with great finesse and discernment. Her custom visualizations were spot on and gave me so much to work on between sessions to keep my mind occupied on the positive changes occurring in me. I will be back for more very soon. Thank you!”  Nick S., England

“I did two eight weeks back-to-back. In the first eight weeks, we worked on worthiness and the other eight weeks’ relationships. After 16 weeks, I began dating three men, and now I’m getting married and very happy. I highly recommend KumariDevi’s work.” Hilary S., London

“I feel totally different after eight weeks. My thinking has shifted. I’m calmer at a deep level. My happy times include huge smiles, out of the blue and for no apparent reason, I feel so happy. Thank you for your awesome guidance, teaching, and clearing.”  Laura Smith

“Honestly, I was skeptical. I couldn’t believe the changes in myself after only eight weeks. I felt energy popping along my spine when she worked on me. The day after the session, I would sleep and sleep. In the following days, I felt the most amazing clarity. I highly recommend KumariDevi’s work. My entire life has turned around. I’m happy! Catrina S., California

“I’m having the most remarkable clearings in this program. I always had anxiety when I interacted with my parents, and now I can’t wait to talk to them and look forward to spending time over the holidays with my parents and my sister. Thank you!”  Joan Clayton

“I signed up for monthly sessions over the course of the year in 2022. My main goal was to clear my karma. Wow!! It’s all good, however, a roller coaster of events is taking place. It’s well worth the investment working with KumariDevi.”  Kari, Seattle 

“I signed up for the yearly program, and after our first session the following day, my body pulsated. The next day I felt an incredible peacefulness in my body and mind. Thank you!” Sophie S., London

Results In Eight Weeks

  • Feel alive and spontaneous
  • Become less emotionally reactive
  • Heal relationships with others.
  • Feel less stressed by life
  • Slow down
  • Start to release fear, anger, bitterness, and resentment.
  • Align with your soul and inner truth
  • Begin to live your life, plus much more

In 16 Weeks

  • Increase self-confidence
  • Start to let go of old beliefs
  • Become more creative, intuitive and enthusiastic in life
  • Deepen your relationship with yourself
  • Start to release old fears, resistance, confusion and denial
  • Experience a quieter and more focused mind
  • Start to heal personal rejection
  • Heal relationships with parents, siblings and exes
  • Align with your inner truth

Results in 24 Weeks (Six Months)

  • Let go of control
  • Release the victim
  • Understand that happiness is an inside job
  • Release doubt
  • Expand the mind and let go of memories
  • Be more present in your life, in love, with your children
  • Embody the concept of NOTHING outside of you
  • Align with the idea that no one can make you feel any way
  • Enjoy the freedom to know everything begins with you

Results in One Year

  • Master the art of being YOU
  • Enjoy a more peaceful mind
  • Self-responsibility and owning your feelings 100%
  • Live from a place of trust
  • Let go of emotional addictions
  • Practice non-judgment
  • Understand acceptance
  • Enjoy genuine intimacy
  • Stand in personal power without fear or doubt
  • Start to experience self-empowerment
  • On the road to an enlightened awareness
  • Allow and surrender to greater aspects of yourself
