Body of Light Healing

Are you committed to breaking through old ways of thinking and being? Shift into new paradigms and elevate the lower mind into a higher mind awareness.
Body of Light is an evolutionary healing process, created by KumariDevi (Paula Muran). Diving deep through the many layers of the human psyche to the core, to the exact circumstances and experiences that initiated trauma in your nervous system from childhood or past lives.

Body of Light activates codes of light in the energy body that talks directly to your Soul. A higher dimensional healing, unlike anything you experienced before, getting you closer to your true Self quicker!

  • Feel more connected
  • Become more motivated
  • Live a happier and freer life

A whole-body healing designed to transform your emotional and spiritual landscape, from all life experiences, and liberates your consciousness.

Field of Consciousness

Body of Light healing takes place in the subconscious mind and on an electrical and magnetic grid-like structure formed in the mind.  It’s where the Soul and the intellect meet. Science says, the brain looks like a grid-like structure, of nerves forming a field of consciousness. The electromagnetic grid is a vast database of memory, a storehouse of data, and when the field is altered, changes filter down into your physical world.

Layered on the grid (horizontal and vertical lines) is memory, like corroded pipes, memory accumulates from judged experiences. After lifetimes, this thickened layer creates a type of emotional and mental congestion, creating confusion and a feeling of being lost and disconnected.

BenefitsChakra clearing meditation

  • Clear memories
  • Neutralize karma, vows, and contracts
  • Detach cords
  • Feel healthier, calmer and happier
  • Live in the flow of life
  • Enjoy inner peace and connection to your truth
  • Elevate your consciousness

While other healing modalities often take months to make an impact, Body of Light offers amazing energy releases in just a couple of sessions.

Who benefits from Body of Light Healing-

  • Anyone triggered by life
  • Holding on to resistance, injustices, judgment, fears
  • Experience disease, rashes, reoccurring symptoms and injuries
  • Struggling with addictions
  • Struggling with PTSD and trauma


An ordinary massage, in 1994, turned into a profound healing, as Paula (KumariDevi) held a client’s foot. An entirely new world opened, and she gazed at the internal workings of the physical body. Like a science movie, she streamed through tissues, organs, arteries, and was shown disease and injury. As she entered into an etheric field, and into the inner workings of the body, anything she repaired with her intention and third-eye, filtered into the physical and healed.

What she learned, we are connected to a universal grid through the nervous system and acupuncture nadi’s. Planetary grids originated in England and travelled around the globe, to Peru, India, Bali, Egypt, and Mt. Shasta and contribute to the overall human consciousness. Instrumental in repairing Earth grids, KumariDevi travels to specific locations, replacing old grids and connecting new ones for the past 15 years, preparing for the New Earth consciousness.

Mind Field

The connective wiring or neuro-circuitry, found in the nervous system and brain, produces its own light field of energy and connects into the super-sensitive levels of intelligence everywhere. The activated field of neurotransmission can project and receive certain thought-forms regardless of spatial distances.

Think of the mind as a well-thought-out garden with rows and columns. Like a checkerboard, channeling, chemicals and electricity along specific pathways, so we respond similarly to experience what we have in the past. As patterns do. Patterns let us repeat the same thought, feeling, action or habit over and over again. When we are faced with a similar stimulus, we draw upon unconscious memories and respond, as we have done in the past.