Embody Oneness Masterclass

Spiritual Awakening + Happiness Journey
January-December 2025

To embody is to know and to live from that knowingness. Spiritual Awakening and happiness come from a healed place called oneness. Your true Self is not driven by ego needs or desires.

When you react, feel hurt, slighted or blame, become a victim and can’t take accountability for your actions, you are operating out of separation. Oneness or unity consciousness is your birthright and who you are at the core. Oneness refers to the idea that all living beings and the universe itself are interconnected and unified at a deeper level. Oneness is compassion, and empathy towards all living things, as well as a recognition of the inherent sacredness and interconnectedness of life.

Beliefs and Conditioning

We come to Earth as whole beings wrapped in unconditional love and within a few years we are conditioned to believe in fear, and anger. Any “belief” is a conditioned habit you learned early in life and most often doesn’t serve you. Each time you feel or believe in fear, doubt, unworthiness, you separate from our true essence of oneness. Unless you remain mindful, you won’t experience your personal limitation and thus keep the separation active.


  • Live a heart-centered life
  • Sustain a state of positivity
  • Feel connected to your inner self
  • Cultivate positivity
  • Change your perspective of yourself and the world 
  • Elevate your frequency to attract precisely what you want
  • Expand your capacity for love, compassion, and kindness

“I signed up last year and all I can say is, Wow ….Brilliant !!!!! Love Starina

Embody Oneness

Each hour long Master Class starts with a short overview for the month and blends emotional subconscious reprogramming with guided healing practices to move you closer to an awakened state of being.

Monthly at the Full Moon

  1. January 17-Thursday-Embody Patience
  2. Feb 6 Thursday-Embody Honesty and Truthfulness
  3. March 13-Thursday-Embody Compassion
  4. April 10-Thursday-Embody Flexibility
  5. May 8-Thursday-Embody Kindness
  6. June 12-Thursday-Embody Humility
  7. July 10-Thursday-Embody Calmness
  8. August 7–Thursday-Embody Wisdom
  9. September 4–Thursday Embody Authenticity
  10. October 9–Thursday-Embody Gratitude
  11. November 6-Thursday-Embody Peace
  12. December 4-Thursday-Embody Your True Self

Transcend the belief that fear is bad and love is good. Instead, come into union with feelings and thinking. Dissolve childhood conditioning, and live authentically with mindfulness and harmony. The master class healing offers invaluable insights, accelerating your path and empowering you to master the art of loving yourself unconditionally. Sign up now to embody the enriching journey towards happiness and spiritual awakening.

Group healing calls are recorded, and you receive the MP3 the following day. Please be in a quiet place during the healing.


Immediately after the healing classes, you might not feel anything, but once the mind and nervous system has time to re-calibrate, you’ll feel or sense life differently. Anxiety levels decrease substantially, and you are no longer drawn into people’s “stuff.” Conversations with others will remain calm and neutral, and you won’t get defensive and angry. You’ll start to love yourself more.

You’ll find that incidents no longer trigger you, providing a distinct advantage in navigating life’s challenges.

What People Say!

“Last year I signed up for the entire year. What a difference the calls made in my life. I’m lighter and happier. Thank you!” Suzanne K., California

“I immediately felt both the love and shadow together. I tried not to attach to either. As the energy settles, the shadow dissipated and love is growing.” Christine M., Artist

“I was on the call for Family Issues last year. While on it, my husband said he felt a loving energy all over the house (he’s not very connected to spiritual things). The following weeks my children were overly nice.”   Deb S., Therapist

“After everyone hung up I sat in a deep trance meditation for about an hour. Very powerful experience.” Jeanne L., Admin Assistant

“After the rejection clearing, I felt so peaceful, and in a place of feeling that ‘all is well’, that I just wanted to sleep, sleep, sleep.  On Sunday, I found myself crying to release a feeling of rejection and of not being wanted. A powerful experience!  The next day I felt light, happy, and giddy!  Thank you.” Minnie A., S. Carolina

“I found Enter Silence weekly classes over the month wonderful.  To be held in the energy for this longer period of time facilitated much movement for me. First of all, there was a major shift in my body as I began to lose the weight that I was holding on to the last few years.  I could feel years of emotion being lifted from the physical and emotional bodies. Then the awakening of presence which I still feel today and tap into feel the connection to the divine.  Thank you, thank you for your miraculous work of love.  Then Release Struggle afterward was very beneficial. Over the course of the month, I received the promotion at work that I had been struggling to get. Deepest bow to you Swamiji KumariDevi.”  Christine M., Artist & Meditation Teacher

“You weren’t exaggerating this is very powerful.”  Michael T., NYC

“I did the activate worthiness and I yawned the entire way through the healing. It was so powerful I feel into the deepest sleep ever and woke up with profound clarity. Thank you!” Donna S., London

“Powerful!!”  Dennis Z., Seattle

“I was on Stuck in Business call and we were asked to state an intention, mine was to increase my income. The following day my part-time job turned into a full time. Less than 24 hours from the healing my income increased. It’s a miracle!! Thank you-Josyln Z, PhD

“Signing up for the year of emotional healing calls is the best investment I’ve ever made for myself. I absolutely love the healing calls. Afterward, I feel amazing and motivated. As she talks, old memories resurfaced, I felt devastated and sad at first. As she began clearing the subconscious, I no longer felt controlled by the past. I completely let go and relaxed. Thank you!” Joanie E., ABQ

**If you live abroad, register and your energy will be included in the group energy, and you receive the MP3 the following day.

“I live in London and can’t physically be on evening calls. Worthiness healing must have been awesome because I woke up in the middle of the night. Thank you for including my energy into the healing.”  Therese, London

Listen to why it’s important to release subconscious emotional memory.